Channel: Fusion Productions
Category: Comedy
Tags: youtuberschampionsfunny videoskhan helalteacher student rapfusion productionsprankkingbanglalink tvcrap songe equal mctawhid afridi2018new bangla funny video2017hip hopbangla hiphopsalman muqtadirgaan friendzbangladeshibanglalink next tuber
Description: Hey guys we are back again! First of all thanks to all of you who have supported us to win Banglalink Next-tuber 2017.Though this video was uploaded on Banglalink Digital's channel, we decided to upload this on our channel for our subscribers who missed it or loved it more. Stay tune with us for more videos! Our fan page :- Rafid Mahadi :- Ahnaf Nasif :- Editor :- Tawsif Iqbal Beat Produced by Zermox BD (Monzer Ahmed) Recording and mix mastered by Nafiz Pran Direction and Lyrics :- Ahnaf Nasif Assistant editor :- Rafid Mahadi Thanks for watching, do share it with your friends to make them conscious about road safety. Cheers!